As a psychologist I always believed that true well-being will result in JOY.  But, following a 40-year quest, one day in 2004 I suddenly made a stunning discovery – an ancient blueprint for experiencing joy as valid today as it was 2000 years ago!  With the publication of Discover Joy, I began to share this secret! My husband and I then wrote Discover Joy in Your Marriage, and I published a Kindle book entitled Happy Being Me.  In 2019 I wrote Ten Keys to a Rich & Satisfying Life, which picks up where these publications ended. Now my hope is that my newest book, The Mental Health Message of Matthew will give readers a guide for growing closer to the teaching and heart of Christ. Each of the following presentations is designed to share the insights I gleaned and give participants specific tools to love their lives by making the most of every single day.


WEBINAR: Discover Your Destiny: Keys to Fulfilling God’s Dream for Your Life

This webinar provides participants with the inspiration to take the necessary steps to clarify their life task or mission. Since no one else can accomplish their unique destiny, regardless of their perceived imperfections, they finally accept that God is with them every step of the way as they move forward with faith and courage. Not only do they learn the specific steps for identifying their God-given gifts and purpose, but most importantly they leave with the ability to continue on this personal journey of self-discovery! Contact Joy at [email protected] for more information!

Discover Your Destiny: A Guidebook.
$12.00 per copy

KEYNOTE: Secrets of Well-being that Can Change Your Life – How to Find Consistent JOY

In this signature talk, I encourage the audience to make three essential choices for enjoying their best life, the life they always dreamed of. Next, I share practical steps to move toward total well-being. Finally, I guide them to discover their unique God-given purpose, revealing six key steps that lead to a life of purpose, meaning, and JOY.

TRAINING: Calm & Confident: Self-management Tools to Enhance Your Life

This powerful and practical talk focuses on three specific tools for developing greater well-being at three levels:  the intellectual, physical, and emotional. Participants will not only leave with a new understanding of what it takes to overcome the anxiety and depression that can sap their energy and steal their joy, but also be prepared with new skills for immediately putting these skills into practice.

Customized Seminars & Workshops Available Upon Request


“Dr. Joy’s visit to Mexico was so inspiring.  I was touched by the way she explained about Vibrant Mental Health, God’s way.  I really got to understand how all the things we experience have the purpose of helping us be closer to God on our knees and in our hearts.  The way Dr. Joy shared her constant search for joy, and how she believed her name was a special calling from God to understand what joy really is, has been a blessing for all the people who attended her conference.  I now understand that God wants me to have consistent joy in my life, and this is far from what my human concept of joy was.  I also appreciated how a psychologist could be so humble toward God’s word, and how she gives it first place.  All my appreciation to Dr. Joy.”

Berenice Hernandez, Women’s Ministry Leader, Region Atizapan, Mexico City

“With all the things that Dr. Bodzioch explained, it’s really exciting to know with certainty that he left in his Word the ideal path for us.  I appreciate a lot the humility of Dr. Joy when she said, “I always say, ‘my book, but in reality it’s God’s book, because he told me everything.’  All her training and how she has applied that to God’s path is an inspiration to us so we can focus on what kind of Christian women we dream to be, in a world where intellectual knowledge or just living emotions have left many without any emotional direction in the service to God.”

Minerva Salinas, Mexico City

“I am a social psychologist and for me the conference that Dr. Joy taught covered in a total way a search that I have had during my 18 years as a disciple, trying to find a balanced relationship between Psychology and Christianism, giving to the Bible the main place.  I think that Dr. Bodzioch was able to explain the topic so clearly, and what I most appreciate is that always her main view was always fundamented in the Bible, without being at war with science.  I thank you so much that we found an open door to this topic in the Mexico City Bible School.”

Erica Ramos, Mexico City

“Joy took the accumulated learning from her years of training, study, practice, and counsel, and affirmed the message [that] the Bible has been espousing from the beginning – that God is the key to vibrant mental health.  When someone with so much experience and credibility shares about the path to discovering joy, you tend to stop and listen with special attentiveness.  Not only did her class give good practicals for the journey, but it powerfully communicated God’s heart for people.”

Meegan Zillman, Southland Womens Ministry Leader – Chicago Church of Christ

“What a refreshing time it was to have Dr. Joy Bodzioch present ‘The DISCOVERY APPROACH to Christian Counseling’ to the full-time women of the Chicago Church of Christ.  In this workshop Dr. Joy used the principles of Jesus’ teaching to show us how to help ourselves and others to enjoy vibrant mental health.  We learned that through the proper use of God’s Word we have the valuable tools necessary to help  instruct, support and encourage those with mental health challenges.  At the conclusion of our time together each of us felt invigorated and better equipped to help those we serve in the ministry to find fulfillment, spiritual abundance, and vibrant mental health.”

Marci Arneson, Congregational Womens Minister Leader - Chicago Church of Christ

“Thank you so much for coming to LA for our women’s training day!  We appreciated your focus on growing in our personal joy as we minister to other women.  Your conviction that vibrant mental health can only be achieved by walking with God was refreshing.  Also, your openness and personal examples reminded us that we could all overcome if we continually apply God’s word to our lives.  Thank you again for writing the book – and depending on God as you did it!  It was great to meet you and I believe God is using your life to help many women.”

Laura Garcia, Los Angeles

“Thank you so very much for coming to be with us today.  I know God has used you to better equip us to bring true healing through the beauty of the scriptures.  Your open and humble spirit is evident.  Thank you for helping us!!”

Renee Quint, Los Angeles

“It has been a JOY having you here.  You have left us with many great tools to better help others (and myself) to have emotional wellness and maturity.  Thank you!  Thank you!”

Ana Slobodvik, Los Angeles

“You will really enjoy listening to Joy’s message.  Today, much is said in regard to how God wants us: happy, prosperous, and reaping all that we are sowing!  Much of the contemporary emphasis often falls short in teaching us how we can be blessed regardless of our circumstances …. You will find Joy’s message inspiring, uplifting, and encouraging!

Emma Graham, Master of Christian Ministry - Oahu, Hawaii

“I have had the privilege of hearing Dr. Joy Bodzioch speak on many different occasions.  What stands out is not only her knowledge of the scriptures, but the confidence she exudes … whether it be in a marriage workshop or larger … forum …”

Sally Tupper, Oahu Church of Christ, Ohau, Hawaii